Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Printing Coupons and Printer Ink

Printing as many coupons as I do take a lot of ink.  Everywhere in town, the ink we needed was $40.  Ouch!

Then I found  $20.


It gets even better!  I used a shopping program that gives you cash back on internet purchases called Mr. Rebates, and earned 12% back!

And even better....Mr. Rebates also gave me a 5% off code.  And shipping was FREE.

Shut the door!!

So in all, for right around $17 we now have ink in the printer on my desk.  Ahhh, it feels good to print as I please now. 

And just as a reminder, if you print a lot of coupons-I do suggest you print them in "fast" or "draft" mode on your printer to use less ink.  I print mine in color (when using my printer, hubby's is just black) - so the cashiers know it's legit and NOT a copy.

**If you decide to join Mr. Rebates, my link above is a referral link.  If you join through that link, I will earn 20% on all your purchases through Mr. Rebates, this is at no additional cost to you.  I would greatly appreciate your support in this if you are thinking about joining, so far I have NOTHING bad to say about the program, it's easy and saves you money!**

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